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Why Do We Do What We Do?

Over the years Redeeming Grace Ministries has received some wonderful expressions of appreciation for the work of the ministry. One email has been particularly touching to my heart because it is a reminder that the gospel is going forth in areas of which I was not aware. Indeed, the email was a telling reminder that God has His elect from every tribe, and language, and people, and nation. Specifically, we have been able to reach the underground church in the Middle East through our association with Chapel Library in Pensacola, Florida. From where he is ministering in Auckland, New Zealand, one pastor wrote the following:

“Dear Dr. Murrell,

I just received the books and CD’s you sent. I really appreciate your support and love for the ministry. I know God will bless you truly as you serve Him more…I had contacted the underground church…and they are excited knowing you as well. I am really astonished that I am communicating to the author of the other materials we are literally using in Saudi Arabia and Qatar! Yes its true Pastor, we are using your book in church history, “The Glorious Institution: Church History Part 1 and 2. A lot of believers benefited from this material. We downloaded it from Mount Zion web site but we did not realize that they are giving books and materials as well. I will write them an email as well and will follow your instructions… Many thanks again for your care and love for the ministry.”

It is a sobering realization that our brothers and sisters in Christ are risking so much to study the Bible and the history of His church.

Such letters from individuals in persecuting countries crystallize why we do what we do at Redeeming Grace Ministries. It is not for love of money. In fact, despite our limited income, all of our material is provided free of charge upon request. No one who has personally requested the free materials we offer has ever been denied. Redeeming Grace Ministries was not established for self-promotion, but for the glory of God. The message of the gospel is more important than anything else.

The truth of the matter is that we are compelled by the love of Christ to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. We are doing what God has laid upon our hearts to do, and will continue to do so in the will of the Lord. We do appreciate all who help make this ministry possible. Our labors are not in vain. Soli Deo Gloria.

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